Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

As part of integrated engineering solutions, the company NSK offers vertical and horizontal tile machines from DSI (Denmark), as well as domestic production. This type of equipment is used in the processes of freezing various food raw materials in block forms of specified sizes at meat, fish and poultry processing enterprises of the agro-industrial complex (AIC).

  • Freezing products: food raw materials in block forms;
  • Capacity: from 5 tons/day;
  • Cooling system: PUMP, DX, GRAVITY;
  • Device type: vertical, horizontal;
  • Defrost the device: with hot gas.

All NSK products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant NSK: compressor and condenser units, single-compressor receiver and multi-compressor units on reciprocating, spiral and screw compressors, units and cabinets of special design, chillers on screw and reciprocating compressors, air coolers, condensers, liquid coolers (draycoolers) flat (vertical/horizontal), v-shaped, panel film heat exchangers, ice accumulators (ice water generators), tile defrosting machines, conveyor cooling and freezing systems, pumping and receiver stations, control cabinets and power cabinets, container-type engine rooms
  • Compressor and condenser units NSK
    Compressor and condenser units
    ST KKB, NT KKB, etc.
  • Single-compressor refrigeration units NSK
    Single-compressor refrigeration units
    ST, NT, BITZER, etc.
  • Multi-compressor refrigeration units NSK
    Multi-compressor refrigeration units
    ST, NT, BITZER, etc.
  • Units and cabinets of special design NSK
    Units and cabinets of special design
    for refrigeration units, etc.
  • Liquid cooling units (chillers) NSK
    Liquid cooling units (chillers)
    screw , etc.
  • Air coolers NSK
    Air coolers
    cubic, angular, etc.
  • Capacitors NSK
    BCH, BCM, BCL, BCR, etc.
  • Liquid coolers (dry coolers) NSK
    Liquid coolers (dry coolers)
    flat, V-shaped, etc.
  • Panel film heat exchangers NSK
    Panel film heat exchangers
    up to 1000 kW, etc.
  • Tile defrosting machines NSK
    Tile defrosting machines
    vertical , etc.
  • Ice accumulators NSK
    Ice accumulators
    up to 620 kWh, etc.
  • Conveyor cooling and freezing systems NSK
    Conveyor cooling and freezing systems
    from 500 kg/h, etc.
  • Pumping stations NSK
    Pumping stations
    25-750 l , etc .
  • Receiver stations NSK
    Receiver stations
    PC-40, PC-60, PC-80, etc.
  • Control cabinets and power cabinets NSK
    Control cabinets and power cabinets
    GRSCH (VRU), RSCH, SHUN, etc.
  • Container-type engine rooms NSK
    Container-type engine rooms
  • Axial fans NSK
    Axial fans
    SF, SFX, SFG, etc.

About NSK

The company NSK (MO, Rame NSK oe) has been working in the field of design and manufacture of refrigeration equipment for commercial and industrial refrigeration since 2008 and during this time has become one of the leading Russian manufacturers of refrigeration systems and integrators of integrated engineering solutions. The company NSK is an active member of the non-governmental non-profit organization Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (CCI RF), which unites representatives of the business community to achieve goals and objectives.
  • assortment

    A wide range of products NSK allows you to provide refrigeration equipment for trade enterprises from an economy class store to a large hypermarket.

    NSK products meet modern trends in energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, and established standards of technical regulations of the Customs Union.
  • quality

    Modern production technologies of the company NSK , high qualification and experience of the staff, OTC guarantee the production of high-quality products.

Information Board NSK

Learn more about our products NSK.
  • Product catalog from directory NSK
    Product catalog NSK
  • Product questionnaire brand NSK
    Product questionnaire NSK


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